2017: Dreams do come true

Looking back on the year that was.

  • A year of impact
  • A year of progress
  • A year of connectedness
  • A year of many, many rich events
  • A year of exploring
  • A year of playing and having fun

A year that went by so fast

And we believe that’s a good sign.

Reflecting is something we do on a weekly base to learn and to get better. When reflecting on 2017 there’s only one thing to say: it has been a marvellous year. A year where we worked our asses off and delivered the impact that we’d envisioned when we started 2017. We worked for several amazing clients and we worked on our own, long cherished dreams. And one of the biggest dream came true: opening our very own Heartcore-LAB. The only piece that was missing until now.

Our core network and clients do have the advantage of using this beautiful space, so don’t forget to hook up with us on this part.

Besides opening our LAB we got to work with all kinds of creative and super intelligent people. Those are the people that make you go the extra mile; people with a great energy and big plans. To all of you, and they know who they are: THANK YOU! For a beautiful year & for choosing to work with us.

That said, 2017 left us more ambitious and eager than ever to come with beautiful and impactful solutions for your business. Which brings us to 2018 and all the plans we’re already making right now.  It’s going to be a year of new adventures, approaches and experiments. We know that we can make our own dreams come true so next year the challenge is on us to make sure your company dreams will come true!

We are confident to make it happen.
