Filmmaker and photographer. Amazingly creative, talented and welspoken. I can say, a true friend at the other site of the ocean in the beautiful country Mexico.
A country that stole my heart 2 years ago during a work trip and reminds me of the great souls I’ve met there and became friends with. One of those is definitely Raúl. That’s why I invited him to travel to the Netherlands in september 2019, because I had some ideas with Heartcore that I wanted to discover in a creative way together with him.
The first time we did a shoot together in Mexico, Raúl was able to get something out of me that nobody managed before until that time. His creative potential, gentle way of working and open-mindedness gave me the confidence to stand in front of the camera in a relaxed way and to speak my heart and mind.
Heartcore does video work with clients too and I know how hard it can be for people that show up in front of the camera, but it’s the creative work and script writing upfront, coaching and the person shooting that is able to make you feel at peace. Next to his good eye while shooting, he is incredibly scaling his creative practice in editing.
Every video again he knows how to blow my mind. So that’s why Raúl is making a difference and fits our Heartcore mission. Our pathways showed we needed to meet and to establish a way of working together, one way or another. Although he is based in Mexico, the digital age is here. Hell yeah! He is already a digital nomad so physical distance doesn’t keeps us away from not collaborating. It only makes it easier 🙂
Via we work together on projects. In any case, as being a Heartcore-client (or not), if you need edits on your video and photo content, work with Raul. He is bright, very creative, a good communicator and delivers much value. More than you probably ask for.
That’s why I am proudly welcoming Raúl as a Heartcore-Warrior. You manifested a life-change in many ways since you visited Amsterdam. Because of your enormous talent and potential I know for sure we’re going to continue badass creative work together.
Truly heartcore.
Want to see some work he did for Heartcore? Check the one minute Heartcore why, THNK FSTVL by Heartcore and cool short vids on the heartcore-insta,’I will see you’, ‘are you living your dream’, ‘Amsterdam loves you’, by Raul D’Trewethan. And more to come.